This month we're showing JAWS. Directed by Steven Spielberg in 1975, this summer American classic was once considered one of the greatest films ever made. It won several awards for music and editing, and became the highest-grossing film of all time until the release of Star Wars in 1977. Apparently JAWS had a troublesome production, going over budget and past schedule. The mechanical sharks they used on-set would often malfunction, and so Spielburg decided to mostly "suggest" the shark's presence and impending appearance.

See this mastermind at work and while you're at it, grab a drink from our bar, a hot chicken sandwich, and cozy up with your favorite people.

We'll have: Hot comfort food by World Famous Hotboys: Think Louisiana style Fried Chicken Sandwiches and bonuts.. (biscuit donuts)!!

At our bar: Local beers on tap and Two-Mile wine

7:30pm: Doors Open. Grab a drink and some dinner, find that perfect spot.

8:30pm: Movie starts

How: FREE RSVP HERE (or $6 at the door)

Get here on the early side! Space will fill up quick. Make sure to dress warm and bring blankets and chairs.